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My Experience of getting a Button

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Hello hope you are all well,

On Wednesday 19th of April 2016 I went to hospital to get my button put in.

In the morning I just chilled and got ready to go hospital with my mum and step dad Steven, then at 12.45 we left on the way I felt abit sick and nervous but that was because I didn't know how it was going to feel. When we got there we parked up and went in ready for my appointment. It was abit of a palava, stressful and I was anxious as when we went into see the doctor who was doing the procedure he had no idea he was doing it because my mum had spoken to he's colleague who wasn't there on the day which was annoying. So he told us we had to go to the ward as they didn't have the equipment in outpatients and they didn't know the size they needed, So me, my mum and step dad went to the ward to get ready. When we got there the procedure room was free so the nurse rang through to the doctor and he came over to do it. By the time the doctor had come over to do it the room had been taken which for very annoying, the doctor got all the equipment we needed and a few different size balloons as he wasn't sure what size i was and we went back to outpatients. The doctor had to see a few other patients before me so we had to wait for quite a long time. Then finally they were ready for me this is when the nerves sunk in, my mum laid me on the bed and they began doing the procedure the doctor didn't do it but his trainee did it she was very nice and the doctor helped her.

So first she unclipped my peg, cut it and put that bit in the bin, then she pushed the bit that was holding my tube in place into my stomach with the thing that she was going to use to measure the hole. She then blew up the balloon inside my stomach and pulled down the measuring thing to see which size button i needed. Mean while the doctor was putting jelly onto the end of my balloon so it would go in easily. Then she pulled the measuring thing out and replaced it with my button. Then the doctor attached my extension onto it until my mum had been taught how to use it the next day. It was all finished and i got back in my wheelchair it felt a bit weird. As I'm writing this a few days later its all fine and heeled perfectly and my family are all taught how to use it and when I'm not on a feed the extension comes unattached which is better as i can't be pulled.

Thank you for reading

Ellie x

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